Reserve Steer Div. 1
Iowa State Fair
Shown by - Cole Larsen

Grand Champion Steer
Kentucky State Fair
Shown by - Cody Emmons

Reserve Champion Charolais Steer
Iowa State Fair
Shown by - Ross Wasson

Private Treaty Sale
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Bids Close at 6:00 PM

Selling approximately 40 Steers and Heifers

Click Here to View Sale 2005 Calves

Anyone who comes to view our sale calves will be eligible to enter a drawing for a Norac 5000 Digital Scale.

Cattle may be will be located at the Sandy Farm
 (3 miles East of Russell, IA)
Just 20 miles from the Goretska Private Treaty Sale.


Champion Steer
Lamar Preview, Newton Co. Cattlemen's
and Butler Co. Preview Shows

Reserve FFA Chi Heifer
Iowa State Fair
Shown by - Kassy Wilson

We would like to thank everyone who purchased cattle from us last year.

Thank you for helping make this a successful year and giving us the opportunity to work as hard for you as you have for your project

We look forward to seeing all past and future customers at this year's sale!


Russell, Iowa

Derek Sandy
641-535-6027 Home
641-340-2534 Cell

Travis Shanks

Hit Counter 9/16/02